Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Black ops Map Pack Escalation

I just finished playing a little bitted of the new Black Ops maps. And this is what I think of them. First off there are 4 new online maps Zoo, Hotel,Convoy and Stockpile.On top of that there is a brand new Zombie map too. It is call , Call of The Dead and it is fucked up.

Let go over each new map quickly. We will start with Zoo. Zoo is not a bad map it is every close combat oriented map. With a lot of chock points and flanking routs to use at you will. If you did not get this from the name of the map. It take place in a zoo. I found that the map was built out from  on center point that is small court yard. Where you will find B if playing domination.This map is highly crazy and haft the time you will not none where you are. But I would say that will work it self out in time. When we all start to play the map more.All around Zoo is not a bad map but it just seem like this was built for run and gunning, which is a good thing if gamers would not camp all the time.

The next map is Hotel. Hotel is a lot like high rise from the last CoD game.It is splits it self into three different running path that you can take to get from one side of the building to the other.This map has way to much going on with it. There is just way to many building and shit  on the map. If they just toned down  the map just a little bit this map would be really good.There are elevators in this map which I really like to use. They go from the bottomto the top floor of each of the two building on either side of the map.They are fun to use  as a decoys. You can just call them down if they are at the top floor then  quickly run up the stairs as you enemy is running to camp the elevators doors. There are two of them in each building.Thats all I have to say about Hotel at this time.

Convo the third map out of the new maps is be far the best I would say. It is the cleanest map out of all them. The map is well layout. It has alot of ways to run. But also has alot of good place  hold off the other time and regain your self after you have killed the enemy player.Convoy  map is split in to two side by small part of a highway.This map is built for the type off CoD that we are all like to play. That all I have to say about this map.

The final online map is Stockpile.This map is not best. I do not like. It main focus is the one center building which is not bad. but it is too hard to hold the building. There are just way to many ways to get into the building. This map is just a little bit to small. They packed way to much in the map for  the size of the map. If they removed some of  the shit from the map or even just mad it bigger this map would be sick.That all I have to stay about it.

Call of the dead the new zombie map. This map is be far the hardest one I have every played, It is also by far the best one I have played too. Which makes it a sick map.In call of the dead you well play as Robert Englund, Sarah Michelle Gellar,Michael Rooker and Danny Trejo. Yes those all are actors from past zombie movies. Here is the aspect of the map that will change your whole game play and it is George A.Romero, who will spawns right off the start with you and will fellow you around for the full game or till you kill but I'm not sure if you even can. He dose not move that fast, but if you shoot him speeds up and  chase you.If that happens  pull him in too the freezing cold water . Where he will claim down and will not be raging anymore. There also two new power weapons to play with. There a zip rope and  lunch pad to use too. The map is also  on a boat that has crashed next to a light house. That is all I'm going to say about it for now but check back later this week because as soon I figurer out the new zombie maps I will be posting on who to go a far as you can on it.

The Escalation map pack has ups and  down but it is every easy to see where all there hard work went and that was to the Call of the Dead map.They put more work into the  new zombie maps , but that dose not mean that the online maps sucks. They are good too, There was just more room for improvement on them. This map pack is a must buy for the Black ops players.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Special Grenades

Has anyone noticed that when playing Black Ops online, no matter where you go you seem to get instantly blinded or slowed by a flashbang or concussion grenade? It just seems that every time you run from your spawn location, to the action you end up getting instantly effected by a special grenade then you instantly die, which results in yet another respawn across the map, and another adventure across the actionless environment all the way to the firefight only to be killed again while you were blinded or slowed. I realize that there is a counter, being the Tactical Mask Pro perk, however, this perk can be a pain to obtain and not everyone wants to have to rely on a perk in order to make the game playable.

Now this may just be my opinion, I mean there aren't a lot of complaints going around about the use of special grenades. Actually, there isn't even much complaining about noob tubers these days. However, the last few nights on Live, about 90% of my deaths were somehow related to a special grenade. Now if these were instances in which one special grenade went off near me and I died as a result, then I find that acceptable. However, this is not what's happening. I end up in an endless array of being blind and slowed simultaneously and consecutively with 3-4 grenades flying in my direction and going off for about 20 seconds straight followed by the enemy team finally realizing that I can't fight back and gunning me down while I'm completely unaware of what happened.

I don't know what can be done with this issue. I mean, maybe it's just a phase that Call of Duty players are going through. However, if this continues, I personally find the game almost unplayable especically when an organized team is playing (ie clan) in which they collectively converge on positions. I just really hope that this ends soon, or I may be looking into finding a new FPS to play until it ends.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

All I can say is about time. I have been waiting for the next Elder Scrolls game for so long now. And on top of that the trailer for Skyrim looks so  good. They make me went to play it right now. If you have not seen the Trailer here it is give it a watch:

The Story behind Skyrim is that you are the only one left that well be able to kill the evil dragon that has returned . So that is the basic that I get from watching the trailer.Sykrim promises  to give us  even more options to make then Oblivion did. Which is just crazy because if that is the fact then there will be so much to do and so much to play with. 

This game just is going to be so overwhelming at first. You mind just start thinking about who fun this game is going to be .And if you are going to play a mage or battle mage, archer or any other class you could think of.

I have not only seen good thing about this game I have also been told some pretty mind rattling things to. Like they are talking about removing mounts from the game. Which if they do would piss me right off because we all know that the game is going to be huge ass game and if he hafted to walk or run every where it is going to take for every. Which would be sad because alot of us do not play the game just to spend  hours running around. When if we had mounts it  only take  min's to get place. They sad that they are think about because  they think mounts take away from the game. Bullshit they add to the game.

What gather  from the trailer and what I have read and seen is that this game is set in  a Barbarian environment.Which looks to be well finished.The Barbarian look to the game is kinda new. I can not think of one big game that has used that fell and look before. I just hope if this is the case and they are going for the Barbarian look and fell that get it right.

Skyrim also better come out with no big glitches just due to the fact they have been working on it for a long time now not has long has D3 but still I think that it should be able to run fast and smooth right out the gate . I would  not be to Happy if it did not after waiting this long for .

Well that all I got to say for now. Skyrim will be out on 11.11.11

The new Patch for Black ops

Is it just my or is every one sniping  since the new patch  about two days ago. If it is then just stop reading now . But if I'm not the only one then why not read on. That lasted patch has improved sniping by alot  in the game which would be ok if not every on playing now felt like they had to pull out a sniper  and use it all the time. I played alot of  the game lasted night and it seem over 50 % of my death where from snipers and no I do not die alot. It just start to piss me off. I actually like this game alot more when the snipers where not really even a part of the game at all. I think that they should just remove them all and  add in some more SMG or other games  to replace them. It just that they seem so cheap since  only one is bolt action the rested   can shoot as fast as you move you finger  which is just  retard at times.  They should remove them or  make them all bolt action to even out the playing field but that just what I think and what do I know.

World of Warcaft : Patch 4.0.1

WoW "World of warcaft" has just realessed  patch 4.0.1. So let take a look at what they have changed this time around.Click here to see the full patch notes http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/patch-notes/4-1-0.

One of the big parts in this patch is the rise of the Zandalari.The Trolls are starting to fight us for control. This means that Zul'Aman has returned to the game . It will now be a five-player heroic dungeon.Zul'Aman will give us level 353 loot too.Also  The Grudashi Tribe Persists Twill be returning to the game it also will be a level 85  five -player heroic.There also will be update  versions of the pets and mounts that we used too be able to get from them.

Guild Challenges have been add to the game. These will give your guild something more to do as a guild each week.This will help to bring your guild's closer together. Guild Finders have been add to help us all find the best guild out there for what we want to do. Let be just playing  with some other friendly players  or find more hard core players like your self to play with.

General updates not much has changed in this department at all but they have changed a few things. They  Rescaled Resillinence so that it has linear returns. Which I do not know if thats such a good thing but  we well see. The best  part so far is now you will no longer hafted to go hunting for the  retards corps who released him self. You can no just click on their unit frame. Now that is a nice change and we will save a lot of time now that we do not hafted to wait for them or go find their corps.

I would love to go through every class and  give my insight  on them but I just do not have the time to  what I can say is nothing to game changing has happened in this patch.

For more info on the patch go check out the patch notes  at http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/patch-notes/4-1-0..

Friday, April 22, 2011

Drunk gaming made by Alli from CTFXC

The reason why I'm posting  about Drunk gaming is because I'm not sure if it is a good thing or bad.When I first found out that Alli was making  gaming videos and that they where not going to be like any other gaming vids out their today I was looking forward. I really could not wait to see what her and her brother where going to do. When I start to think about I thought that they would like play the game then try to do something in real life that would be like what they did in the game. But then when the first video was released I not sure what to think about them at all.

Do not get me wrong they are fun to watch and interesting.But it the whole fact that it is kinda promoting drinking. Even tho they say that they are  not. They really are. You got to think about who would be watching these videos and who watches gaming videos. Most people who watch gaming video are most likely between the ages of 10 to 18. Yes I know there is  big number of older people who watch gaming videos which is great. But the fact still remains that alot of younger gamers well be watching these videos. No not every young gamer that watch Drunk gaming is going to go try it. That  is not what I'm saying. But there will be those young gamers out there, that will watch and  say to them self that looks like fun I should go do or try that with my friends.

If you think like that you can see my point. I'm not saying get ride of them or anything. I just would like to see some sort of warning before the video's that way parents  will know what their child is about to watch. Even if at the end if they came on and said that drinking under age or something is bad and you should not do it. Yes I know that still is not going to stop the young gamers or young people from watching them. But it just meted be enuf to stop them from drinking before they should. It also makes them look more responsible too.

That just my thought.Anyway I did like Drunk gaming. It was really funny and creative.Keep them coming just try to add some warnings or something in that way bunch of kids do not go and try it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Home Front snipers

I think that the snipers in home front are actually really well balanced with the rest of the guns in the game. A lot of people out there that play home front say the snipers are gay and that they should be removed from the game.The only reason that I can think of for someone wanting the makers of home front to remove the sniper refile would be that get killed a lot by the snipers refiles.Which makes them think that snipers are over powered. When in reality the sniper refiles are not overpowered at all. I if you have try to snipe in home front it is not easy at all. The first sniper refile  is a semi auto   that takes two shoot to kill someone and the scope on the refile is not that good at all. The second sniper refile has better scope but it is a blot action refile which  and it still takes two shoots to kill someone. So sniping is just like anything else in home front if your good at it well look like the gun owns is overpowered when it is actually balanced out really well. Plus you can not add scopes or silencer to sniper refiles. That just what I think about.